There are a couple of different ways you can handle this:
- Take the listing temporarily off market.
- Cancel the listing.
Take the listing temporarily off market. Nearly all MLS' have a listing status that indicates the home is temporarily off the market. The exact name of the status varies by MLS, for example, it could be "Hold", "Temp. Off Market", etc.
To view the statuses that your MLS offers, you go to the section to submit an MLS listing change and check the "Status" checkbox. You will then see a dropdown appear below which lists the statuses available for your MLS. When you select a status, you will see the definition of what that status means.
When you later submit an MLS listing change to place the listing back into Active status, it will appear as an older listing since it still has the original MLS listing number and listing date. For that reason, if you think the listing may be off the market for a bit of time, it may be better to cancel and then relist (see below).
Cancel the listing. If you expect to have the listing off the market for a longer amount of time, it may be better to cancel the listing. There are a couple items to keep in mind when cancelling the listing:
- If you decide to relist with us, you'd have to pay the listing fee again. In most cases, you can go back to the cancelled listing and there will be a button to copy all information over to a new listing.
- A few MLS' do not allow us to immediately relist a listing that was cancelled a short time ago. Please see our help article here for information on the number of days you must wait to relist. If your MLS is not listed, please submit a support ticket and we will research the rules for your MLS and update the article (and let you know).
The advantage to cancelling a listing is that when you do a new listing, the listing will appear "fresh" on many websites since the home will have a new MLS listing number. If the listing was not cancelled and instead just placed into a Temporarily Off Market (or similar) status, then when it is placed back into Active status it will appear as an older listing since it still has the original MLS listing number and listing date.
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