When a listing has been on the market for some time, it is possible to cancel the listing and submit a new listing. In most cases (see below), this will reset the Days on Market (DOM) on the MLS and also give you a new MLS listing number, Cumulative Days on the Market is always reset unless a required number of days has passed. Many websites use the MLS number to determine how "fresh" a listing is and the websites give priority to the newest listings. Some websites may display a DOM as well, but there is not a uniform approach that all websites use in calculating the DOM.
You can cancel your listing by submitting an MLS listing change to update the "Status" to "Cancelled". Once we confirm the change has been completed, you can go back to your old MLS listing and there will be a link to copy over the information to a new MLS listing.
The downside to submitting a new MLS listing is that you have to pay the listing fee again. The upside is that you get a new MLS listing number and, depending on the MLS, the DOM will reset. We often work with home flippers that will cancel and relist anytime a listing gets a bit old. The most effective way to get buyers attention is coupling the new listing with a drop in price.
Each MLS has different rules regarding resetting the count of Days On Market (DOM) and Cumulative Days On Market (CDOM). Below we will build a list number of days you must wait for the noted MLS. If we are able to list on an MLS (check here) and you do not see it listed below, please contact us and we will research the rules and update the list below.
There are two terms to be aware of:
- Days On Market (DOM) This is the number of days the current listing number has been on the market. Every MLS uses DOM.
- Cumulative Days On Market (CDOM) This is the total number of days the parcel number has been on the market, which factors in doing multiple listings. Not all MLSs use this, but it was created to avoid agents "gaming" the system by cancelling listings and relisting immediately in order to get the DOM to reset. For a good visual on how this works for CRMLS, see here: https://kb.crmls.org/knowledgebase/calculating-cdom/ Note that each MLS has a different CDOM reset threshold (as noted below).
Arizona Regional MLS
- DOM (known as Agent Days on Market ADOM): 45 days
- CDOM: 45 days
- Reference: https://armls.com/days-on-market-calculations
Austin MLS
- DOM (known as Actual Days on Market ADOM): Immediately - but if we had done the previous listing, then we cannot relist the same home unless we wait 30 days.
- CDOM: 91 days
- Reference: https://www.abor.com/document/2020-mls-glossary-of-terms
Bakersfield MLS
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: 31 days
- Reference: http://bakiws.rapams.com/images/pdf/mlsrules.pdf
- DOM: 11 days (note that a listing cannot be immediately relisted, we must wait 11 days to relist)
- CDOM: 91 days
- Reference: https://bareis.com/volunteer-committees-members-home-menu/266-mls-rules.html
Bay County MLS (Michigan)
- See MiRealSource MLS
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: 31 days
- Reference: https://bayeast.org/wp-content/uploads/MLSRules.pdf
Bright MLS
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: 61 days
- Reference: https://support.brightmls.com/s/article/Days-on-Market and https://support.brightmls.com/s/article/1306
California Regional MLS (CRMLS) (CRISNet MLS)
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: 91 days
- Reference: https://go.crmls.org/clear-cooperation-policy/
Canopy (Carolina) MLS
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: 91 days
- Reference: https://carolinamls.happyfox.com/kb/article/95-dom-cdom-ltc/
Central New York Info Services (CNYIS) MLS
- See Western New York Real Estate Info Services (WNYREIS) MLS
Central Virginia MLS
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: Immediately
- Reference: https://resourcecenter.cvrmls.com/
Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOR MLS
- See Western New York Real Estate Info Services (WNYREIS) MLS
Clare-Gladwin MLS
- See MiRealSource MLS
Coastal Carolinas MLS
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: 31 days
- Note: Properties that are re-listed by the same office or firm may be entered into the system as a new listing provided the previous listing of the property has been in a withdrawn status for at least 30 days. This is a $100-$300 fine https://www.ccarsc.org/clientuploads/MLS/2022_MLS_Rules_and_Regulations.pdf
Columbus MLS
- DOM: Immediately (see important NOTE below).
- CDOM: 32 days
- NOTE: Creating a new listing prior to 30 days from an cancelled/expired/withdrawn listing from the same office to make it appear as new is a listing manipulation subject to a $500 fine. https://www.columbusrealtors.com/clientuploads/Forms_Directory/mlspolicyviolationmanualcurrent.pdf
Consolidated MLS
- After a listing is "Withdrawn (Cancelled)" listing cannot be relisted by the same agent with the same company until after 10 calendar days from the withdrawn date (provided the expiration date has not yet passed).
Cortland County BOR MLS
- See Western New York Real Estate Info Services (WNYREIS) MLS
Emerald Coast MLS
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: 90 days
Florida Keys MLS
- DOM: 31 days (MLS will fine if we relist the same property within 30 days)
- CDOM: 61 days
- Reference: https://www.flkeysboardofrealtors.com/members-area/forms-center/
Georgia MLS
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: N/A - this MLS does not use this metric
Greater Lansing MLS
- See MiRealSource MLS
Houston MLS
Humboldt County MLS
- Listings must be off the market for 30 days before a new listing can be put back in the MLS; if listing is reactivated within 30 days it must be listed as “Back on Market”. Staff will remove churned listings from the MLS, explain to the listing agent why the listing was removed and inform the agent they must reactivate the old MLS number to avoid churning. Fines may apply.
Ithaca BOR MLS
- See Western New York Real Estate Info Services (WNYREIS) MLS
Jefferson-Lewis BOR MLS
- See Western New York Real Estate Info Services (WNYREIS) MLS
Knoxville MLS
- You have to wait 31 days to relist a canceled listing. There is a fine ranging from $1000-$15000 for attempting to cancel and relist.
- DOM: 31 days
Memphis MLS
- No listing shall be re-listed as a new listing within 30 days of being withdrawn-released by the same agency.
- Rules: https://www.maar.org/clientuploads/about/documents/maar-mls-rules.pdf
MetroList MLS (CA)
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: 31 days
Metro MLS (WI)
- DOM: 90 days
- CDOM 90 days
- as per phone call to Data Integrity dept. of MLS
McKean County AOR MLS
- See Western New York Real Estate Info Services (WNYREIS) MLS
Miami MLS
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: 120 days
Michigan Regional Information Center (MichRIC) MLS
- See MiRealSource MLS
Midwest Real Estate Data (MRED) MLS
- DOM (known as Listing Market Time): Immediately
- CDOM (known as Market Time): 90 days
- Reference: https://mredllc.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/36000165495-what-s-the-difference-between-market-time-and-listing-market-time-#
MiRealSource MLS
- DOM: Immediately, but you must wait 48 hours after cancelling a listing to submit a new listing.
- Rules: https://online.flippingbook.com/view/205216/
MLS Listings MLS
- DOM: 31 days
- Reference: http://portal.mlslistings.com/compliance/2010/11/19/days-on-market-dom/
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: 45 days
- Reference: https://mlsnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/QACS-Brochures-Rules.pdf
MLS of Southern Arizona
- DOM: 7 days (Listings canceled or withdrawn and relisted by the same agent or team in less than 7 days will be charged a relist fee of $30 as of 2023).
- CDOM: 30 days
- Reference: https://www.tucsonrealtors.org/wp-content/uploads/mlssaz-rules-and-regulations.pdf
Mohawk Valley AOR MLS
- See Western New York Real Estate Info Services (WNYREIS) MLS
Monmouth Ocean MLS
An Administrative fee of $100 will be charged if a property is re-listed with the original listing agency prior to the expiration date of the original listing.
Please note that an administrative fee will still be assessed if a listing is withdrawn or cancelled and re-listed with the original listing agency prior to the expiration date of the original listing.
- Rules: https://monmouthoceanrealtors.com/rules-and-regulations/
North Carolina Regional MLS
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: 31 days
- Rules: https://www.ncrmls.com/files/MLS_Rules_and_Regulations.pdf
Northeast Florida MLS
- See realMLS
NorthStar MLS
- DOM: Immediately - cannot be Coming Soon status within 90 days of cancelation of previous listing.
- CDOM: 1 year - CDOM reflects the total Days on Market for that address with the current owner based on listings Active during the past 12 months
- Rules:
Northwest MLS
- DOM: Immediately (see important NOTE below).
- CDOM: 90 days
- Important: Cancellation of a listing and relisting is only permitted when there has been a substantial change in the price of the property; provided, however, in order to cancel and relist, a price increase must be greater than 5% of the highest price of the listing and a price decrease must be greater than 5% of the lowest price of the listing. If you wait 60 days, you can relist without any price changes.
Northern Great Lakes MLS
- See MiRealSource MLS
North Texas Real Estate Information Services (NTREIS)
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: 30 days
- Reference: https://ntreis.my.site.com/support/s/article/DOM-CDOM-calculation
OneKey MLS
- DOM: 60 Days
- Reference: https://www.hgar.com/content/uploads/2022/03/OneKey-MLS-Rules-and-Procedures.pdf
- 310.6 Original Listing Date Retained
- When listing information is changed or if the Property is re-listed by the same listing broker before the original expiration or extended expiration date of the original listing, and the Property Class remains the same, then the listing shall retain its original listing date. The only exception to this is if the listing was Withdrawn or Cancelled and remained off the market for at least sixty (60) days, then in this case a new listing can be signed and entered with the new listing date.
Otsego-Delaware BOR MLS
- See Western New York Real Estate Info Services (WNYREIS) MLS
Pensacola MLS
- DOM: A listing must be off market for 30 days to get a new MLS number and for the days on market (DOM) to start at zero.
- CDOM: A listing must be off ma for 30 days to get a new MLS number and for the continuous days on market (CDOM) to start at zero.
- Reference: https://www.parmlshomepage.com/mls-documents-forms
RealComp MLS
- See MiRealSource MLS
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: 31 days
- Reference: https://www.realmls.com/faqs/
REALTORS® Association of Northeast Wisconsin MLS (RANW)
- DOM: Immediately, but the MLS requires the current listing expiration date be updated to today (not withdrawn/cancelled).
RealTracs MLS
- DOM: The MLS charges a $25 fine for relisting within 5 days of cancelling a listing. If you wait for the 6th day, the DOM will reset to 0.
- CDOM: This MLS does not use CDOM.
- Reference: https://supporthub.realtracs.com/mls-rules-user-agreement
- Re-list Within 60 Days of List Date by Same Agent/Same Firm is subject to a fine.
- 3.2.19 Re-List/Withdrawals: For statistical purposes, if a listing is withdrawn and re-listed by the 677 same listing agent(s) with the same brokerage, and same owner name within sixty (60) days of the original list date, then the property must be re-activated using Active/Back-On-Market and the same MLS number to avoid a Re-list fee. No marketing or advertising of the property, including signage, social media, and any other action that notifies the public that the property is for sale or rent, is allowed while off-market (i.e. withdrawn.)
- Reference: https://reinmls-live.s3.amazonaws.com/trng_listing_input_handbook.pdf (rules being updated as of Oct 1, 2022)
- We would have to wait 60 days to create a new listing. We can reactivate a listing that was previously Withdrawn (Cancelled) if it has been less than 60 days since Withdrawal.
Regional MLS / RMLS (Oregon)
- A listing may not be deactivated through a change of status, such as Canceled or Expired, then be reactivated to cause the listing to appear as a new listing. Must be in cancelled or withdrawn status for at least 30 days prior to re listing.
- Violations of this rule may incur a fine of up to $1,500 as determined by the RMLS Rules Committee. This violation is included in Section 5.1 Sanctions of the RMLS Rules and Regulations.
San Diego MLS
San Francisco MLS
- See Bridge MLS
Santa Barbara MLS
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: 90
- Reference: http://www.sbaor.org/clientuploads/MLS%20Files/MLSRules.pdf
Space Coast MLS
- DOM: 31 days
- CDOM: 31 days
Stellar MLS
- DOM: Immediately (see important NOTE below).
- CDOM: 31 days
- NOTE: Creating a new listing prior to 30 days from an expired/cancelled listing from the same
office to make it appear as new is a listing manipulation subject to a $500 fine. https://www.stellarmls.com/api/document/preview/4983
Southern Missouri MLS
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: 60 days
- Rules: https://gsbor.com/mls/
Southwest Florida
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: 31 days
Triad MLS
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: 90 days
Triangle MLS
- DOM: Immediately
- CDOM: 30 days
- Reference: https://support.trianglemls.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056670814-How-long-do-I-need-to-wait-to-reset-the-DOM-and-CDOM-
Upper Peninsula MLS
- See MiRealSource MLS
Upstate New York Real Estate Info Services (UNYREIS) MLS
- See Western New York Real Estate Info Services (WNYREIS) MLS
Western New York Real Estate Info Services (WNYREIS) MLS
- DOM: Immediately
- Note: If you have an existing listing with us, submit a change to set the listing status to Expired (not withdrawn). Once we email you confirming we have completed the change, you can submit a new listing.
A property was listed just 60 days ago but now it says it was listed 3 days ago.. so regarding your statement that it might be a good idea to cancel the listing and relist it, this doesn't seem ethical to me?
Since the listing date is important to buyers to know how long the property has been on the market, I don't understand why it would be okay for a Listing agent to just change the listing date by relisting it?
The MLS incorporates Cumulative Days on Market (CDOM) so there is a clear picture as to when the property was originally listed. The idea of cancelling and relisting is not to misrepresent the days on market, CDOM prevents that.
Cancelling and relisting a property can be useful in getting the listing to appear "fresh" on websites, so as to attract more views. This is most useful when done along with a price cut.
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