Why is the Bedroom, Bathroom, and Square Footage Missing at the Top of My Public Listing Page?
When your MLS listing is activated, we automatically create a public page where buyers can view your property information and contact details. We also add it to our current listings map: https://homecoin.com/current-listings
You will see in the final step of the MLS listing there is a section titled "Public Listing Page" where we show a URL that goes directly to your public page (see screenshot below).
You will notice that the public listing page contains limited information (address, price, photos, contact info, etc). You can add/edit the public page information directly by clicking the "FSBO listing" link that is shown in the "Public Listing Page" section of your MLS Listing (see screenshot below).
Why doesn't the website add all of the information to the public listing page automatically?
The forms for every MLS are all different - some may be two pages, while others may be seven pages. We are unable to make all of the data appear in a uniform way due to these differences, so instead we give you the ability to edit it directly yourself.
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