How will agents contact me about my listing?
The MLS allows us to place your name and any contact information that you prefer (phone, email, etc) in the private/confidential notes of the MLS. Agents will reach out to you directly about showing the property and send all offers directly to you.
If an agent contacts about the property, we automatically forward that call or email to you. Our phone number (888-400-2513) is setup so buyers and agents can speak with you instantly, all they need is the street #, MLS #, or zip code of the property. More on phone forwarding here.
Note that the public remarks of the MLS prohibit any contact information (for either agents or sellers).
How will buyers contact me about my listing?
Any buyers that call about your property will automatically be forwarded to you. Our phone number (888-400-2513) is setup so buyers and agents can speak with you instantly. More on phone forwarding here.
We do not represent buyers and do not sell leads. We want you to sell your property without paying any commissions (yes, this does happen!).
What if someone emails homecoin about my listing?
If they contact our support email, then we will let them know that they need to discuss with you and we will provide them your contact information and also cc you. If they contact our public email that often appears on websites, then our software will attempt to automatically forward that to you instantly - more on auto email forwarding here. If our software cannot automatically forward the email, we manually sort through emails multiple times a day to make sure they get forwarded to the correct person.
Can I be shown as the listing agent or have my contact information in the MLS public remarks?
The MLS rules prohibit you from appearing as the listing agent. The MLS rules also prohibit ANY name/contact information from appearing in the public remarks, this means that agents are also prohibited from putting their own contact information in the public remarks.
Can I have my contact information in the Zillow public remarks?
Unfortunately, Zillow no longer gives us the ability to add/change information on their website.
Can I have my contact information on,, etc?
No. These websites pull all property information directly from the MLS. The MLS prohibits any contact information in the public remarks (even agent contact information). The MLS only allows us to put your contact information in the private remarks to agents.
Most websites do not give us the chance to edit the description on their websites. Note that this may be a non-issue, since our phone number (888-400-2513) is required to be displayed on the listings as the listing broker. Our phone number is setup so buyers and agents can speak with you instantly.
Charleston-Trident MLS Exception
- The Charleston-Trident MLS (in South Carolina) rules don't allow any listing agent contact information to be displayed on websites.
If a buyer submits an inquiry via a third-party site such as, will that go to me?
No. The way sites such as make money is by selling buyer leads to local real estate agents. The default behavior of sites such as is to send any questions from buyers to a local agent who has paid a fee.
While we understand and agree that this is not an ideal situation, the only other option is to not have the listing on at all. If a buyer contacts directly, then we will forward that to you.
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