What are the general terms of the homecoin.com MLS Listing?
- $95 one-time fee - click here for prices and service area (prices may vary).
- 12 month listing (or shorter, if you prefer).
- Maximum photos allowed by the MLS (typically 25+).
- Free buyer call forwarding.
- 10 free changes, which is more than most sellers need. $5 per change thereafter.
- Includes syndication to realtor.com, redfin, broker sites, zillow, trulia, many more.
- No obligation to buy anything else or use any other service.
- $0 due to the listing agent upon sale.
- See our listing agreement in the footer of the webpage for full terms and conditions.
- See our product page here: https://homecoin.com/flat-fee-mls.
Can I cancel the MLS listing at any time?
Yes, see our article here for full details.
How do buyer agent commissions work?
You can offer any commission amount that you like to buyer agents (minimum $1). If you accept an offer from a buyer who does not have an agent, you owe no commission. See our article here for full details.
Why do I need to select an agent to create an MLS listing?
The MLS is a closed system - only real estate agents who pay a subscription fee to the MLS can list properties on the MLS.
Since a real estate agent must be used to list a property on the MLS, we show who exactly that agent will be. As of the time of writing this article, the only agent available to list your property on the MLS is an employee of homecoin.com (Jon Minerick).
To learn more about the MLS, check out our video:
In the traditional real estate model, a seller agrees to pay the listing agent a 6% commission upon sale. That agent then lists the sellers home on the MLS and offers buyer agents half of the 6% commission (3%) for finding a buyer.
With homecoin.com, you pay a fee to list your home on the MLS (for example, $95) and nothing further to the listing agent. You can offer whatever amount of commission you want to buyer agents (for example, 3%).
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