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The MLS is a database where real estate agents list the homes they have for sale. The MLS provides seller agents (AKA listing agents) the ability to offer compensation to buyer agents (AKA selling agents). This is important as ~90% of buyers have an agent and that agent will typically only show the buyer homes where the agent can make a commission.
Do I need to be a real estate agent to list my home on the MLS?
Yes, you must be a licensed real estate agent to list a property on the MLS. provides the ability for you to list your home on the MLS for a small fee. We can do this because we are a licensed broker.
Is there more than one MLS?
Yes, there are hundreds of MLSs in the United States. Each MLS has its own rules, database, and members. You nearly always want to list your property on the MLS that covers your local area.
One of the primary purposes of the MLS is that it allows a listing agent to make an offer of compensation to the members of that MLS. Local agents typically will not show your property unless there is an offer of compensation in place on the MLS in which they are a member. You can find your local MLS here:
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