Northwest MLS has many rules that are important to observe in order to avoid any fine. Here are the highlights:
Primary Photo:
- The Primary Photo shall be either i) a photo of the exterior of the property; ii) a rendering of the exterior of the property; or iii) a photo of the view from the property.
- For attached condominium units in a building with more than four units, the listing firm may provide an interior photo as the Primary Photo, as long as the member includes, as an additional photograph, either i) a photo of the exterior of the property; ii) a rendering of the exterior of the property; or iii) a photo of the view from the property.
Full Legal Description:
- This must be uploaded as a document in the "Photos and Documents" section. We then add it as an attachment to the MLS listing.
- You can request a copy of your legal description from a title company in your count.
- Please see our help article for title companies that you can reach out to: Washington Title Companies to Provide a Legal Description
Price Changes:
- Insignificant price changes are not permitted. A price change may be input only when there has been a meaningful change in the price of the property.
- The list price may not be changed to the pending contract price.
Incomplete Driving Instructions:
- Invalid, incomplete or no driving directions are not allowed. Do not enter "use GPS".
Open Houses:
- Open house information in the Property Description is prohibited.
Invalid Owner Name:
- The correct owner name is required unless there is a letter on file with NWMLS (attached to listing).
Invalid Owner Phone:
- The correct owner phone is required unless there is a letter on file with NWMLS (attached to listing).
Accessibility Features:
- If ANY "Accessibility Features" field is checked, this form must be completed and uploaded.
Green Certification:
- If ANY "Green Certification" field is checked, this form must be completed and uploaded, in addition the applicable certificate must be attached as supplement type “Green Certification”
Showing or Offer Restrictions:
- There can be no restrictions to either showings or presenting offers, unless there is a letter on file with NWMLS (attached to listing).
- There can be no restrictions to either showings or presenting offers, unless there is a letter on file with NWMLS (attached to listing).
- Requiring a pre-approval by an identified lender is prohibited unless there is a letter on file with NWMLS (attached to listing).
Third Party Fees:
- Requiring a third party fee is prohibited unless there is a letter on file with NWMLS (attached to listing).
Undisclosed Address or Unpublished Listings:
- If a seller requires an undisclosed address or unpublished listing, we must have a letter on file with NWMLS (attached to listing)
Changes Requiring the Customer Complete NW MLS Change Form:
- When any of the below changes are made, the NW MLS requires that the seller also complete the form here:
- Compensation: Changing the commission offer to agents
- Cancellation: When cancelling a listing.
- Failed Sale Release: When a property was in escrow, but the sale failed and the seller wishes to remove the property from the market.
Timeshares and Fractional Ownerships
NWMLS Rule 4c states “The following agreements will not be accepted by NWMLS and shall not be taken on a NWMLS Listing Form or input into NWMLS’s online system: Undivided interests of property, including tenancies in common, real estate investment trusts, and limited partnership interests.”
If the seller does not have the legal authority to sell 100% of the property it will need to be removed from the NWMLS database.
Cancellation and Relist:
- Cancellation of a listing and relisting is only permitted when there has been a substantial change in the price of the property; provided, however, in order to cancel and relist, a price increase must be greater than 5% of the highest price of the listing and a price decrease must be greater than 5% of the lowest price of the listing. If you wait 60 days, you can relist without any price changes.
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