This article applies to the following MLSs:
- Western NY Real Estate Information Services
- Upstate NY Real Estate Information Service
- Central NY Information Service
- Chautauqua-Cattaraugus MLS
- Cortland County MLS
- Jefferson-Lewis MLS
- McKean County (PA) MLS
- Mohawk Valley MLS
- Otsego-Delaware MLS
The Delayed Showing / Negotiation Addendum is required to be submitted to the MLS if the listing not immediately available for showing or negotiations.
Examples of when this would be required would be when you are only allowing showings after a certain date or only reviewing offers after a certain date. You can download a copy of the addenda here:
Once you have completed the addenda, you can upload it to your MLS listing by doing one of the following:
- If you have NOT submitted your listing, click the "Photos & Documents" step of the MLS listing and you can upload it as a document.
- If you HAVE submitted your listing, go to the form to submit an MLS Change and you will see a checkbox for "Photos & Documents", where you can upload it as a document.
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